Walk Notes: The Year 2024 In Review

I turned walking into a fun, goal-oriented game in 2024, exploring Seattle’s streets block by block. With a custom map and tracking system, I logged over 365 miles and 1.1 million steps, uncovering hidden paths, massive trees, and on-the-go snacks. read more

Hello Young World: Volume Two - Nostalgic Mixtape Revival

A love letter to the indie-dance mixtape ‘Hello Young World: Volume Two’ by Lushlife, originally released in 2007. This compilation features tracks from Bloc Party, The Pixies, and more, and is revived here, as well as a Spotify playlist, to preserve its legacy. read more

The philosophy behind this website

Exploring the metaphor of a personal website as a museum, inspired by the indie web movement and a quote from biko, leading to a realization about embracing diverse content. read more