Welcome to imstillthinking.net
Well, welcome to my homepage! A little museum of all the topics that I like, find interesting and felt worth sharing. As has been the vibe for over the last two decades, this domain is ever-growing and ever-changing with whatever whimsy captures my current attention. Browse around and enjoy!
About me
Hi! I’m Ryan. Sometimes you can find me going by the pseudonym Orbit, especially at Burning Man. I’m a neurospicy technology enthusiast, especially for technology from decades ago. You’ll find a lot of my projects and interests either focus on maintaining retro technology and technoarcheology, or building something new to tap into what I like to call synthetic synesthesia.
I have a few other websites that I’ll eventually list here once they are up and running.
I started my career in software right out of university at a financial firm in Chicago. I then spent over a decade with Microsoft in Seattle, and have since branched out into creative projects, from art installations at festivals to indie 3D modeling for the DIY community.
I also run a small business with one of my partners. Check it out! MeowFish Studios
Thanks for stopping by—feel free to explore and connect! 🌌
You can probably find profiles of mine around on various websites, but the best way to contact me is probably good-old-fashioned email.
About this site
I’ve written here about the philosophy around this website. In short, it’s a curated museum of all things me.
How it’s made
I’m currently using Hugo to form a bunch of Markdown documents into the site you see here. I wanted something quite lightweight but also sophisticated enough to give me consistent header and footer chrome.
And I’m currently hosting the site on GitHub pages. This means it’s entirely static. I do have an active server also set up for the few things that I’d like to have be a little more dynamic, but the challenge of having a completely static website feels great.
Feed Information
This site also publishes to an RSS feed, if you have a feed reader you use and would like to keep updated on what’s published here.
About the site design
I want to shout out panr for creating the beautiful Hugo theme Terminal of which this site’s theme is largely based. I have altered it to fit what I need, but without their starting point this site would not be as lovely as it is.
I want a blog design that is good and long lasting. I want it to look chic. I want to be proud of my blog. I don’t want to work on the design day and night. I just want to post to it. I want people to read it. I need some more caffeine. Thankyouverymuch.
Me, 2003
Over 20 years later, have we achieved that? Naw. But it’s an ongoing process, I suppose.